Thursday, 30 July 2015

2015 Goal Progress Update!

    Now that the first half of 2015 is coming to a close, its a good time to review the goals I set out for myself for the year at the end of 2014. It has been a pretty busy and exciting year so far and I continue to work at my goals and share them here. Overall, I am quite happy with most of my 2015 goal progression.

1)  $1,200 in yearly estimated dividend income - Accomplished!
  As it stands, I have blown this goal out of the water with having an estimated yearly dividend income from my portfolio of $1,493! So far by the half way point of the year I have received $451 in dividends and July is looking to be adding on a fair bit more. And as the year progressing I am looking to adding to it further with additional purchases.

2) Achieve a savings rate of 40% or higher - Falling short
     So far I am falling short of this goal, although I was aiming pretty high. So far this year I have achieved an average savings rate of 23%. Last year I had managed an overall savings rate of 30%, so I am falling short of last years rate as well. Looks like I have some savings work to do!

3) Regular posting of update and informative articles(1-3) month - Mostly Accomplished
    I think I have been doing pretty well on this end, managing to keep up on the regular updates. Although I think I have fallen a bit behind on informative/my thoughts posts on questions to ask your Financial Adviser. I am also working on a review of Qtrade and a post on mutual funds and ETFs. Overall I would rate myself of having mostly kept up with this goal.

4) Complete partially finished 2014 articles! - Ongoing/Mostly Accomplished
    This goal is more of a housekeeping goal, and I have completed some of my unfinished posts and made some headway on others. And I would rate this as an ongoing, but a mostly completed task. I may have some extra time in the next couple days, so I am hoping to catch up on some writing.

5) Thank you to all my readers, regular and new! :) - Thank You!
      Once again a big THANK YOU to all my readers! July has been the third month now that I have received over 1,000 views in a month! And I love getting to read and respond to every comment and question, although admittedly I could be a bit faster on doing so. I hope to, and commit to continuing to share my financial journey, and to keep sharing what I have learned with everyone.


  1. Congrats on the progress, DW. Thats awesome that you are well past your $1200 in forward income...time to up that goal and go for it again.

    Looks like its going to be a great year for you. Keep up the great work adn thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks! Yeah. I think for the rest of the year I am going to try and add another $200 in dividend income. Which would roughly be $5,000-6,000 in new investments. Will have to see how the year goes, and definitely work towards completing the other goals.

  2. Congrats Dividend Wisp...looks like you are well on your way to accomplish at least 3 of 4 goals. Good luck making up some ground on goal #2. May I suggest looking at the budget to see where it can be trimmed some more. And even if you don't accomplish the goal, achieving a higher savings rate should at least help you further improve your forward dividends. :)

    Best wishes and continued success on your journey! AFFJ

    1. Thanks! On the way to 3/4 is definitely pretty good. I think for #2, it will come down to either earning more, combined with planning more meals that can be taken to work to help cut down on the 'eating out' expenses. Summer tends to be a bit more expensive in general for me with some extra traveling for vacation/enjoying the weather outside with friends and a few drinks. All worth it in my mind.

      Thanks for the best wishes :)

  3. Congrats on this nice progress! Only one goal behind and still time to improve it. Keep it up!


    1. Thanks you! I will certainly keep trying to get a perfect 4/4, but I will happily settle for a 3/4 and a close finish on #2. It was a high set goal that I aimed for at the start of the year.

      Thanks for the support.
